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Life Insurance Privacy Notice

Our Information Practices

This Privacy Notice applies to information collected in connection with financial products or services you obtain or seek to obtain from the AARP Life Insurance Program from New York Life (“the Program”).

Types of Information We Collect

In the normal course of business we collect:

  • Information requested on applications and other forms (including name, address, email address, phone number, date of birth and social security number);
  • Information provided to us by AARP and its subsidiary (such as member identification number);
  • Data about your transactions (such as the type of product you purchased);
  • Information from outside sources such as public records;
  • Information you provide to us on our website (such as when you fill out an online form), as well as site visit data and internet collection devices (“cookies”);
  • Health information collected with your permission when you apply for our life insurance products.

Safeguarding Your Information

We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that meet state and federal regulations. Access to customer information is limited to people who need the information to perform their job responsibilities.

How We Use Your Information

We may share all of the information we collect about you as allowed by law, including data shared with non-affiliated companies that perform services for us. These services include:

  • Administering and marketing our products; and
  • Quality control and measuring member participation and satisfaction with the Program.

We may disclose information we collect about you when required or permitted by law, such as to:

  • Respond to a subpoena;
  • Prevent fraud and other crimes;
  • Comply with legal requirements; or
  • Respond to a government inquiry.

Important Privacy Choices

We respect your privacy choices. Customers who have purchased products or services from the Program have the option to authorize us to share information as follows:

With AARP or its subsidiary for purposes unrelated to the Program. These purposes include sharing with AARP and its subsidiary to allow them to analyze members' needs and interests. AARP and its subsidiary use non-member data to solicit memberships. AARP and its subsidiary may also share your information with other AARP service providers to inform you of other AARP member benefits and services that may be of interest to you. These AARP service providers include other insurers, financial services companies and providers of consumer products and services.

How to make your choice:

  • If you do not want us to share your information in this manner, please contact us at 1-866-687-5160. Keep in mind that the sharing of this information will allow AARP and its subsidiary to evaluate member interests and provide members with information about benefits and services that may meet their needs.
  • Your choice will apply to all AARP life insurance products from New York Life that you own. If you own a product jointly with another owner and one joint owner tells us not to share information that choice will also apply to the other owner(s).
  • We will honor your choice until you cancel or change it.
  • You may inform us of your choice at anytime by writing to the address mentioned below.

Please keep this notice for your records

The accuracy of your information is important to us. You have the right to access and seek correction of your information, and we will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law. We will follow the privacy law in your state if that law differs from the policy described in this notice.

Informing customers about privacy

This Privacy Notice was last updated in April 2024. Customers will receive our Privacy Notice at least once a year as long as they are a customer. You can also review the current Privacy Notice on our website ( or you can contact us for a copy by writing to:

New York Life AARP Operations
P.O. Box 31670
Tampa, Florida 33631-3670

If you would like to change any of the information we collect about you as listed above, please call us at (866) 687-5160.

NOTE: Because you are already an AARP member, you may still receive mailings from AARP and other providers of AARP member benefits and services. If you do not wish to receive promotional mailings from other AARP service providers you must contact AARP directly by calling (866) 687-2277.

*”New York Life”, "we” and "us” refer to New York Life Insurance Company (NYLIC). NYLIC underwrites the AARP Life Insurance Program.

This Privacy Notice is specific to the AARP Life Insurance Program. If you own any other New York Life product, New York Life will protect your personal information it collects in connection with that product in accordance with the privacy notice that applies to that other product.